Sperm Bank offers First Pregnancy Pledge®

Sperm Bank Pregnancy Pledge®

Most Fertile Women Pregnant Within Five IUI Attempts

Fairfax, VA — Fairfax Cryobank has launched a new, limited-time, Pregnancy Pledge® for women 38 and younger who need to use donor sperm to become pregnant. If a patient 38 or under orders at least 4 vials of donor sperm and undergoes 4 artificial inseminations or in vitro fertilization (IVF) cycles in a physician’s office before April 5, 2011, but does not become pregnant, Fairfax Cryobank will give her an additional vial of sperm free.

“Getting pregnant using donor sperm requires an investment of funds, as well as time and emotion. Our new Pregnancy Pledge® makes achieving pregnancy even more affordable. It is part of our commitment to helping build healthy, happy families,” says Michelle Ottey, Ph.D., Laboratory Director for Fairfax Cryobank.

“Many infertility clinics offer pregnancy guarantee programs, but Fairfax Cryobank is the first sperm bank to make a similar commitment,” Dr. Ottey says.

The average pregnancy rate for a “cycle” in healthy, fertile women is 20%, so most fertile women should become pregnant within five attempts, whether they are using donor sperm for insemination or having sexual relations with a partner.

The Pregnancy Pledge® applies to sperm ordered after April 5, 2010. The first four vials may be ordered separately or all at once.

Potential Fairfax Cryobank clients can choose from 185 fully screened sperm donors. Forty six are in the “doctorate” program that includes men who hold or are seeking a doctoral or other advanced degree. Although the majority of sperm donors remain Non-ID donors, thirty nine are in the “ID Option” program that allows offspring to obtain identifying information about their donor when they reach 18 years of age. Childhood photos are available for almost 100% of Fairfax Cryobank sperm donors and adult or lifetime photos are available for about 25%.

“We are offering this pledge because we are confident that we can help our patients to become pregnant,” Dr. Ottey says.

Based in Fairfax, VA, Fairfax Cryobank is one of the world’s largest and most experienced sperm banks, offering exceptional donor sperm, sperm storage and embryo storage services. Fairfax Cryobank meets the highest standards of screening and testing and is fully compliant with all FDA regulations.