Essay Questions

What is your most memorable childhood experience?My most memorable experiences from childhood were times spent with my dad. He would work all day and come home in the evenings and first thing he'd do is pick us up and dance around the living room with us. Later, he made sure to create time for us to spend together. We would spend time outside with the small animals we had, and he would make examples of their behaviors to teach me about the world, and genetics, and human nature.
What immediate family member do you closely identify with and why?I identify very closely with my father. He and I both love to learn, and never feel as though we've learned enough about the world. Though we differ on many specific opinions, we both derive great enjoyment from our discussions and often give each other reading suggestions. I take more of his suggestions than he does of mine...
What character traits do you admire in an individual?Character traits I admire are: honesty-integrity-altruism-people who can harness their emotions and desires and become masters of themselves
What is the funniest thing ever to happen to you?What a hard question! I'd say the funniest thing that ever happened to me would be when my boss was politically forced to hire someone clearly incompetent and I was made to be their supervisor. I work in an office and this person literally had zero computer skills, and almost zero interpersonal skills. This person would come in late every day, and if I said something or asked what was wrong they would yell at me and storm around. It was like a cartoon! The political situation resolved itself without my intervention after about two months, but I'll never forget being screamed at by a cartoon character for two months in a workplace.
If time and money were not an issue, where would you travel and why?If I could travel anywhere, I would do a month long tour of Europe. I'd want to see all of the places my ancestors may have walked and also all the great European wonders like the Eiffel Tower and the Roman Coliseum.
When and if you ever have children, what would you like to pass on to them?If I ever have children, I hope they get my: Drive- Inquiring mind- Athleticism- Even keeled disposition.