Essay Questions

What is your most memorable childhood experience?I would have to say I look back and fondly remember the summer days of simply spending time with my neighborhood friends. That mostly consisted of sports and silly games we made up ourselves. The neighborhood was a tight-knit group, to include all of our parents, so there was never a shortage of excitement.
What immediate family member do you closely identify with and why?I identify mostly with my father. Not only do we look shockingly similar, but we think and act very much the same.
What character traits do you admire in an individual?I admire the ability to persevere and never quit even against overwhelming odds.
What is the funniest thing ever to happen to you?That happened to me? I would have to say as a ten or eleven year-old at a swim meet, I dove in the pool at the beginning of the race and off came my suit!
If time and money were not an issue, where would you travel and why?Having traveled to many places around the world, I would like to do a nice fifty-state tour of the US. I feel like I haven't explored my own country enough and we truly have some fascinating and beautiful places so close.
When and if you ever have children, what would you like to pass on to them?I would like to pass on a sense of personal integrity. I believe that is the foundation of any other positive trait one can imagine.