Donor 4893 is quite tall, standing a few inches over six feet in height, and his entire body boasts his regular fitness routine of weightlifting and rock climbing. He is lean with a medium build and defined muscle tone. His warm brown eyes are swirls in a cup of hot cocoa - inviting and sweet. He has medium brown hair that is full and curly - even with his hair trimmed short you can still see evidence of his adorable curly locks. His fair skin and smooth complexion create an attractive contrast to his darker-hued facial features. Donor 4893 has a strong jaw line and a masculine chin, which together enhance the appealing nature of his captivating smile.
Donor 4893 is full of life and character. He has a personal drive to pursue any and all opportunities with a vivacious and energetic nature. He has a strong belief in persistence and honesty, without which traits he does not believe he would be able to succeed. It is evident that he has a desire to explore and to observe the world around him through direct interaction; it is his curiosity and sense of wonder that drives him to participate in so many things. Donor 4893 is outgoing and handles himself easily in a direct yet professional manner. The ease with which he can converse with others makes him a great communicator. Not only has he had success speaking in public, he sets a great foundation for teamwork as a leader in academic, athletic, and even personal settings. Donor 4893, although upbeat and forward with his opinions and beliefs, remains a humble individual and does not boast of his successes to others. Instead, he does what he can to help others succeed, either through direct assistance or through supportive conversation. Although he can appear quite serious at first, he states that he has a "goofy" side - it is true that he has an intriguing sense of humor that can really captivate an audience.
To learn more about this donor's personality, see his Personality Test results.
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