Essay Questions

What is your most memorable childhood experience?Once when I was a child, my father took me and my brother to Oregon to see the family and to go camping. One morning my father woke me up very early and told me that he had something to show me. We walked a little way, to a hill overlooking the lake. There we watched the sun rise over the mountains and the light spill out onto the clear lake. It was one of the closest times my father and I shared.
What immediate family member do you closely identify with and why?I most closely identify with my father, because of the similarities that we share. Neither one of us, according to my mother, ever knows when to take something seriously. Both my father and I are glass half-full kind of people and that drives the rest of the family crazy. Both my father and I are very proud of our heritage.
What character traits do you admire in an individual?I admire a sense of humor, trust, kindness, and a friendly personality. I guess it's because I'm not too much into people that I can't offer anything but negative ideas and am often pessimistic. With traits like a good sense of humor and a friendly personality I believe many conflicts can be avoided.
What is the funniest thing ever to happen to you?Once when my brother, sister, nieces, brother-in-law, and myself were driving back to my sister's house after a Christmas party at my mom's house we became hungry and started to look for anything that was open. As we were looking around my brother yelled from the back seat "What about that Sonic?" Just as he said that we drove past a closed and darkened Sonic. The whole car roared with laughter, we were afraid we were going to drive off the road we laughed so hard.
If time and money were not an issue, where would you travel and why?If time and money were not an issue I'd like to visit Italy. Most of my family is from Italy and I have a lot of pride in my family's heritage, so it would be nice to see were my ancestors came from. Not to mention Italy is an all around beautiful and rich place, so I'd like to visit the coast and see the sights.
When and if you ever have children, what would you like to pass on to them?If I ever have children I guess I'd want to pass on to them what my parents gave to me. I'd want to pass on my sense of pride and humor. I'd want them to know that even when times seem tough and it looks like there's no hope, that's when you have to push the hardest because the rewards are right on the other side. I'd also like them to look at the world though a smile and laugh more than anything else.