Essay Questions

What is your most memorable childhood experience?One of my favorite childhood memories takes place one summer when I was around eight years old. My mom took my sister and me to visit our family in the mountains of New England. While we were there, my older cousin took me out to explore the trails in a nearby state park. The hike ended with a swim in the river. I remember being fascinated by the fact that the Native American tribes of the region were the original makers of the trails we were hiking. What I found even cooler were the glacial boulders that littered the river. They created swirling pools that the locals would hang out in, resembling something like a natural Jacuzzi.
What immediate family member do you closely identify with and why?I am closest with my sister. Growing up, we spent a lot of time with one another. Over the years we have grown to understand each other better than the rest of our family, making my bond with her the strongest.
What character traits do you admire in an individual?I admire a person who is honest and intelligent; able to think critically while not taking things for granted, has a sense of humor and cares for their friends. I feel that I strive to be all of these, therefore when I see them in someone else I really admire them.
What is the funniest thing ever to happen to you?About ten years ago when my dad took me on a fishing boat with his friends and their sons one of the younger kids got sick and projectile vomited directly on me. Thankfully, I had the convenience of the ocean to wash off in immediately afterwards, but it definitely was not one of my fondest fishing memories. The guys who were on that boat, to this day, never fail to remind me of it.
If time and money were not an issue, where would you travel and why?There are so many places I would love to go. I probably would begin by traveling most of America. I have been up and down the east and west coasts but have yet to see the awing sights like the Grand Canyon, Rocky Mountains, or Yellowstone. After seeing the natural wonders of my own country I would move on to Europe and the Mediterranean. My interest in history makes me want to go to the places where my ancestors originated, in addition to visiting historical sites that predate American history.
When and if you ever have children, what would you like to pass on to them?First and foremost I would try and pass on to any child of mine the ability to think critically and evaluate all facts objectively. I would not force them to believe anything; rather tell them to test everything for themselves. Honesty and collectivism are also beliefs I would try to convey. I would explain my belief that when we humans accept the basic tenet of equality for all, it becomes easier for us to accept our differences, and acceptance ultimately paves the way for all of humanity to work together and survive.