Essay Questions

What is your most memorable childhood experience?There is something fascinating about the fall and spring seasons. It is the promise of something different. My most memorable childhood memories are Halloween parties in elementary school. Staying out late hoarding candy, reading silly ghost stories, and watching the Simpsons Halloween episodes all in the cool breeze. I loved Christmas also but by December I was already sick of the cold.
What immediate family member do you closely identify with and why?I don't really have an extended family, I have not had the pleasure of meeting and growing up with my cousins. They are all in Korea, so my choices are kind of limited. I see bits and pieces of my personality traits in my mom, dad, and brother. I am extremely close to all of them.
What character traits do you admire in an individual?Socially outgoing yet not afraid of being by themselves. Nice but with hint of mischief. Understanding of others' feelings yet not afraid to stand by their convictions. Funny but not seeking attention.
What is the funniest thing ever to happen to you?I have lived a blessed life up to now just based on how many times I have laughed until I have cried. To sit here and list them all out would be crazy but one does come to mind. On a spring break trip at a beach resort, a hurricane was coming through. It being our last day there, we decided to hit the beach anyway, suited up in trash bags despite warnings from the police. One of my friends, weighing about 95 pounds, was literally thrown around by the wind. Dangerous at the time but we laugh about it now.
If time and money were not an issue, where would you travel and why?I would travel to Korea just based on the principle that I was born there and yet have never returned due to money. I feel like it is a duty of mine to visit and be educated about my country of origin. As far as traveling for pleasure, I would go to Venice. Eat at all the best restaurants and visit all the museums.
When and if you ever have children, what would you like to pass on to them?The main thing would be to keep an open mind. That different opinions might be wrong and right at the same time. That the world issues are never black and white. That no one person has the ultimate truth, but rather just the truth relevant to that individual. And the philosophy that goals are essential but it is really all about the journey.