Essay Questions

What is your most memorable childhood experience?My most memorable experience would have to be the vacations we took every year. As a family, we decided to get a cabin that we went back to each year. This did prevent us from seeing the country more, but it was rewarding to us to see that same place each year. We brought other family and friends, as well as significant others when we got older. I loved it so much because I love the outdoors and being with family.
What immediate family member do you closely identify with and why?I identify with my brother the most. He is older than me, so I do look up to him. He is a very stand-up guy, and he's just easy to get along with. We were pretty athletically talented, so we played around a lot in our high school years. We did get competitive, but it was a good competition that built our relationship further. Now that we are more grown up, we live near each other and still see each other weekly. I babysit his kid and we still have wine nights together.
What character traits do you admire in an individual?The most admirable character trait would have to be honesty. If you can't trust someone, how can any other trait matter? If the trust isn't there, how do you know that the other traits are true? Every relationship HAS to be based on trust. I've been in unhealthy relationships that weren't, and they failed. Whether it is a personal or business relationship, you have to be able to trust the other person.
What is the funniest thing ever to happen to you?There have been so many funny things to happen to me in my life that I lose track of one that sticks out. I have been very blessed in my life from family and friends, to my job and health. I think it is a good thing that I can't recall THE funniest part in my life. I have too many to count!
If time and money were not an issue, where would you travel and why?Hands down, it would be to Woodstock in the 60s. I'm not a hippie in the slightest, but that concert transcended the music industry, as well as liberated young America. Just to be a part of that would be one of the coolest things I can think to do.
When and if you ever have children, what would you like to pass on to them?I want to pass my hard work on to my children. I don't want my kids to be lazy or incompetent. I want my kids to be self-driven, as well as accomplished. I hope, above everything else, that's what I can pass on to them.