Essay Questions

What is your most memorable childhood experience?I always remember fondly the time I spent at my grandparents as a child. They lived by a lake and owned several boats. My grandfather and I would take the boat out to explore the many small islands that dotted the landscape around their home. It was during these adventures that I grew to appreciate the outdoors and time spent with family.
What immediate family member do you closely identify with and why?My sister and I have always had a similar mindset on things. Growing up, this led to quite a bit of arguing between the two of us. Through the years, we have developed a great admiration for each other. We both have a quick wit, we are very easy going, and we both have a flair for the dramatic. I am very excited to see where she goes in life because I believe that she will do great things.
What character traits do you admire in an individual?The ability to laugh at one's self is very important to me. It shows that someone has the ability to look beyond the current difficulty and persevere through it. I have always been drawn to people with a giving spirit. Individuals who serve others with their time or energy are typically opened minded, another characteristic that I find quite important.
What is the funniest thing ever to happen to you?I was working my way through college at an IT job. I worked the late shift and I was forced to work on Thanksgiving because I was the "new guy" on the team and had to earn my keep. I was rather disgruntled that I had to sit in a cubicle while my family feasted and I had no qualms about making this known to management. Around 5pm, my manager felt bad that I was missing my favorite holiday and cut me loose. As I parked my car in my parents the driveway, I noticed that the doors and windows to the house were all open. I found this strange since it was a brisk November afternoon. As soon as I walked in the house, I saw my family in a hectic race to save Thanksgiving: the turkey juice dripped onto the oven racks and caught fire. All of the windows and doors were open and the smoke alarms were screeching. No sooner did I enter the door that my mom handed me the oven mits and rushed me over to the flaming bird. I grabbed the fiery turkey and rushed it out of the house. Then I took hold of the fire extinguisher and doused the blaze. Here I am standing in front of my house holding a flaming turkey as the neighbors start to peek out their blinds to see what all the commotion was about. We cleaned out the oven, put the bird back in, and finished cooking it. I have to say, it was the best turkey we have ever had.
If time and money were not an issue, where would you travel and why?I have been very fortunate to be able to travel to much of Europe and even parts of Africa. I have always had a passion for travel. My next trip will be to Asia. As India and China become larger economic forces, it is critical to have an active knowledge of the people and their cultures. Not to mention the wide array of foods to tempt my palette. Food is always one of my favorite parts of traveling, you get the entire history in each mouthful. The shear size of Asia is overwhelming, so I would need unlimited time and money to grasp the whole continent.
When and if you ever have children, what would you like to pass on to them?I would like to pass on my love of nature and my passion for working with my hands. Some of my fondest memories are when me and my Dad would go hiking or fishing, finding the perfect spot to get the really big fish, or see the best view of the mountains. I have always been handy, and I think of it as dying skill. I would like my children to be able to change their own oil or patch a hole in a wall. These skills drive an independent spirit and encourages curiosity into how things work.