Donor 4553 is a handsome individual with physical characteristics that reflect his Chinese heritage. He has straight black hair that has a natural sheen to it. His eyes are dark brown, and look nice with his medium-toned skin. His complexion is smooth and clear, and his nicely tanned skin is a testament to his enjoyment of the summer sun. Donor 4553 is tall and lean with a tennis player's build; his muscular calves and forearms complement his overall physical attractiveness.
Donor 4553 is an ambitious individual with a hard-working ethic and a drive to succeed. He is pursuing a double major in Chemical Engineering and Chemistry- fields in which he can utilize his impressive problem-solving skills and satisfy his desire to understand the physical properties of how things work. Donor 4553 is extremely intelligent and is dedicated to his education. The pursuit of knowledge gives him the satisfaction of knowing that he will one day make a difference in the world. Donor 4553 is well-rounded, balancing his intensive studies with his musical talents (he plays both the saxophone and piano) and his athletic pursuits. Donor 4553 is a kind and generous individual, treating others with courtesy and respect. He is the epitome of the charming gentleman.
To learn more about this donor's personality, see his Personality Test results.
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