Essay Questions

What is your most memorable childhood experience?The most memorable childhood experiences I had were ski trips with the family. I always looked forward to them, though it was not until later on in life that I really learned to appreciate them. Now that we are all older, it is obviously harder to get together and have such family vacations. But it has shown me the importance of making those memories with your children and I plan to make such memories with my future children.
What immediate family member do you closely identify with and why?I identify with my father because we are so much alike. We both are intelligent, articulate and enjoy conversing about similar topics. I suppose I'm so much like him because I have always looked up to him. He set a good example of how a person should carry themselves and treat others. I hope I am turning into the man that he was when he was my age.
What character traits do you admire in an individual?The character traits I admire are: dedication, honesty, and perseverance. I think it is important to be honest in all things that you do as well as being honest to yourself. Too many people live in denial and it prevents them from being truly happy. I also believe that if you are dedicated to the tasks you have set for yourself and you push through them even when things get hard, it will make you savor the fruits of your labor even more.
What is the funniest thing ever to happen to you?I cannot think of anything that stands out. Most funny moments are "you have to have been there" types. But a recurrent theme in most of the funny memories is being so comfortable in a situation and around certain people that it becomes very easy to let your guard down and do something really socially stupid. And then you can all laugh at it.
If time and money were not an issue, where would you travel and why?I would travel everywhere. I would start in Europe and work my way through every country on the planet. Europe is rich in history and is the home to many amazing sites. It is also a different yet still westernized culture which I think would make it easier to start off traveling there. From there, I would like to see all parts of the world, even the places I've never heard of. I believe every place has something that we can learn from.
When and if you ever have children, what would you like to pass on to them?I would like to pass on my name. That might sound very old-fashioned, but it is what I want. It is not for me to choose what they should take from me as far as legacy. They need to shape themselves to be who they want to be. That is up them and I don't believe I should try to interfere with that.