Essay Questions

What is your most memorable childhood experience?I remember that when we were children my grandparents would take me and my sister to ride our bikes around a lake. We went at least once every summer. They would always buy us ice cream and we would ride our bikes for hours and hours. This is the best memory of my childhood.
What immediate family member do you closely identify with and why?I identify most with my sister. We are close in age and we have gone through everything together. We shared our first mobile phone. We both had to share our embarrassing first car-a minivan- and we went through three schools together. She was able to give me great advice about college, work, and life in general. She and I can always talk about anything.
What character traits do you admire in an individual?I admire a person who possesses integrity and a sense of right and wrong. I appreciate honesty and open mindedness. Furthermore, I admire one who is humble and has a genuine sense of curiosity and a desire to constantly learn. I also think it is important to be able to laugh at oneself when appropriate.
What is the funniest thing ever to happen to you?When I was in high school I got an invitation from the "cool kids" to go to a concert. I was allowed to go but my mother was quite worried about this and made sure of who I was going with and where I would be. So, I went to the concert and it was amazing. Then, after the show, we all went to a really cool coffee shop to hang out for awhile. I was maybe the youngest person in the place and I felt so cool for being there. Well, about twenty minutes passed and one of the baristas came around carrying a telephone. I knew something wasn't quite right; and wouldn't you know it, my mom was on the phone making sure I was alright! The barista announced this loud enough to ensure that everyone heard. I was so embarrassed; I turned bright red and wanted to crawl into a hole. My friends were nice about it and I can now laugh about the situation.
If time and money were not an issue, where would you travel and why?If time and money were not an issue, I would like to go to Germany, Russia, Ukraine, Spain, France and most of the rest of Europe. I would go to Germany since I have family a few generations back that emigrated from there. Russia would be amazing due to the fantastic architecture and interesting culture. The Black Sea seen from the Crimean Peninsula in Ukraine would be amazing and a unique experience. France would be great for the food and drink as well as art and history. Likewise with Spain and most of the European continent. Since time and money are infinite, I'd love also to see China, Vietnam and Japan.
When and if you ever have children, what would you like to pass on to them?If I have children I would like to pass on to them at least the idea that they should always question authority and look at things with an open mind. I would want them to be curious and diligent. I would like them to learn the value of hard work and the consequences of procrastination.