Essay Questions

What is your most memorable childhood experience?When I was younger, I was blessed with opportunities to go on a handful of cruises, mostly throughout the Caribbean. Those experiences have morphed into some of my most vivid childhood memories, but one in particular stands out: the cruise to Jamaica and Cozumel, Mexico. It was picturesque, serene, and relaxing--everything I can remember about it made it an incredible trip. We climbed the Mayan ruins in Cozumel, splashed around in waterfalls deep in the jungles of Jamaica, and enjoyed a vibrant nightlife (which for me at the time consisted of unlimited arcade games and other activities for kids). The food was fantastic, as is par for the course on any cruise; even the historical and cultural relevance helped expand my horizons beyond the suburbs in which I lived. In my mind it was the perfect trip, and one that will be remembered for the rest of my life.
What immediate family member do you closely identify with and why?Without a doubt, the family member I most closely identify with would be my maternal grandfather. Granted, he passed away some years ago, so we don't have that in common. When he was alive, however, his outlook, humor, political bent, and philosophy in life mirrored my own. He was always jovial, always quick with a joke, always smiling. He was calm in otherwise high-stress situations and seemed forever able to think clearly, even when those around him couldn't. He was a World War II veteran and believed strongly in personal liberty; he even traveled in a few jazz bands, making him, to me, the quintessential American. He was an amazing person while living, and continues to be the family member with whom I most closely identify and align myself.
What character traits do you admire in an individual?This list could be endless, so I'll keep it to the top three traits that I admire most in others. First, I admire honesty. I learned long ago that the cliché of honesty being the best policy really is true. There have been numerous times in my life where the truth, while possibly painful at first, lifted burdens and engendered trust from others. Secondly, I admire confidence. In my line of work I often have to make decisions without properly vetting the potential outcomes, but the confidence to be able to act decisively is what leadership entails. Needless to say, I, as well as many others, sometimes make the wrong decision. However, that confidence breeds a large amount of respect from me. Lastly, I admire humor. Sure, there are times when it isn't appropriate, but having the ability to lighten the mood and ease tension is a trait I applaud. In fact, I believe making people laugh is a gratifying purpose in life. Therefore, without a doubt the three most admirable character traits I find are honesty, confidence, and humor.
What is the funniest thing ever to happen to you?While difficult to narrow down, one of the funniest things that ever happened to me was also one of the most lucrative. My high school senior class trip was a cruise to the Bahamas. One evening, some friends and I decided to head to one of the clubs only to discover it was karaoke night. Having a deeper voice than most, they decided it would be funny for me to sing 'Dancing Queen' by ABBA. While initially opposed, they sweetened the deal by putting money into a pot only to be given if I sang. So there I was, crooning to ABBA while my friends did the back-up dancing making this night one of the funniest things that ever happened to me.
If time and money were not an issue, where would you travel and why?There are quite a few places that could fit this description. Anything from the colorful nights of Las Vegas to the serenity of an island beach might apply. However, the top spot for me if time and money were no issue is undoubtedly Japan. There's something so mysterious, yet fascinating, about the country. It has incredibly tranquil areas in the mountains, and a visit to the hot springs would certainly be mandatory. In addition, it has an eclectic nightlife in Tokyo and a one-of-a-kind cuisine. Admittedly, the Travel Channel has something to do with my interest in the country but, more importantly, Japan's personality seems to echo my own. Therefore, while there are many places I would love to visit, no destination has held my focus longer than Japan and that would be where I'd travel if logistical limits didn't apply.
When and if you ever have children, what would you like to pass on to them?When and if the day arrives that I decide to have children, I would want to pass on a variety of qualities, tangible and intangible. Of the intangible I would like them to inherit my easygoing nature and my sense of humor. One of the most important lessons I've learned is that worry hasn't added a single day to anyone's life. When we slow down and learn to laugh, that's when life is at its most enjoyable. In the realm of tangible practicalities, I'd want to pass on my penchant for good health. Total health is important, but if I were to be specific I would list my teeth as the trait I'd prefer for them to acquire. Strong teeth and gums are more than aesthetically pleasing--research continues to show that the mouth is a window to the body's overall well-being. Thus, if and when I ever have kids, these would be the qualities I'd most like to pass on to them.