Essay Questions

What is your most memorable childhood experience?My best memories from being a kid are of playing little league baseball. Playing the game, being with friends, summer nights at the ballpark. I don't think I cared if we won or lost, it was always fun. I still have several friends that I met playing baseball over twenty years ago.
What immediate family member do you closely identify with and why?This answer has changed over time. These days I relate most to my dad since I see myself becoming more like him. He's always been very deliberate and thoughtful, carefully deciding things. As I've gained responsibility, I've realized the need to be more thoughtful where I might have been reckless or short-sighted before.
What character traits do you admire in an individual?The people I admire most are confident (not proud), humble, compassionate, even-tempered, wise and thoughtful. They show people love and treat everyone with dignity and respect. I know very few people like this, but they are wonderful to know. I hope to be characterized this way one day!
What is the funniest thing ever to happen to you?In 8th grade I left a large binder of papers on top of the car when my mom picked me up from school. When we were almost home it fell off of the car into the road. We circled around to get it, but as we were approaching it a bus ran over the binder and all of the papers flew out all over the road. My mom was furious and we had to gather papers out of the busy street. A few of my friends were in the car and they did not help. It wasn't funny at the time.
If time and money were not an issue, where would you travel and why?I'd be interested to see all the big cities of the world. I'm not a big city guy, but I enjoy spending a few days taking in a place like Boston or New York. It would be fun to see London, Stockholm, Paris, etc. I would also enjoy seeing Africa and Australia.
When and if you ever have children, what would you like to pass on to them?I have a son and may have other children in the next few years. I want to teach them to love and respect everyone. I want them to be curious and have a desire for learning. I want them to feel strong ties to family and community. I want them to do what makes them happy and be comfortable with who they are.