Essay Questions

What is your most memorable childhood experience?My most memorable childhood experience is hitting my first home run in a baseball game. I was a beginner and I wasn’t that talented but when I hit the home run my spirits were uplifted and my confidence boosted tremendously. At that moment I realized I was capable of anything. Even though it was just a simple game of baseball it was a pivotal point in my life.
What immediate family member do you closely identify with and why?I identify most closely with my cousin because we are so similar. He’s my older cousin and he taught me many things when I was younger. He affected my taste in music, literature, and fashion. We think alike so it's easy to go to him for advice. When I seek counsel I usually look to him first.
What character traits do you admire in an individual?I most admire charisma, imagination, and understanding in an individual. I revere charisma because the individuals who possess that trait typically brighten up days and lighten up rooms. I appreciate imagination in an individual because it adds to the creative side of a person. I most admire those with understanding because they have kind hearts and open ears.
What is the funniest thing ever to happen to you?I was in an intense pickup basketball game. The game was coming to a close and the score was tied. I was handling the ball when I threw a sweet pass to my teammate in the hole. I thought once I threw the ball my teammate would catch the ball and end the game with an easy bucket but he caught the ball and missed a simple layup. I was a bit upset and now the opposing team had possession of the ball. They quickly scored and won the game. I was mad we lost so I grabbed the ball and slammed it hard on the floor. It instantly bounced back up and hit me in the face and everyone burst out in laughter. It was the consequence of my poor sportsmanship. I laughed it off and congratulated the opposing team for the win.
If time and money were not an issue, where would you travel and why?I would love to travel to Africa to visit multiple countries there. There are several reasons why I want to go there. It’s one of the most beautiful places on Earth, it is the place of origin of all human life, and it is a part of my ancestry. I am African American and I feel like I should experience the African side of who I am. It would give me a better understanding of myself and my family. I want to see where I came from.
When and if you ever have children, what would you like to pass on to them?If I ever have children I would like to pass on the love of knowledge I possess, and my wealth. I want my children always to have the burning passion to keep learning and to never stop. Through their knowledge they will be able to accomplish anything. I also want my children to be financially stable, so that's why I want to pass on my wealth to them.