Essay Questions

What is your most memorable childhood experience?I remember when I was 5-6 years old my parents and I went to the Black Sea. I remember there were many things that I hadn't seen before such as the sea, palms, huge seagulls, and monkeys. Overall I think it was the most interesting and memorable experience in my childhood.
What immediate family member do you closely identify with and why?I think that would be my mom. I think it is her mainly because after my parent's divorce I stayed with my mom. Also, I look more like my mom.
What character traits do you admire in an individual?Honest, trustworthy, forgiving, integrity, compassionate.
What is the funniest thing ever to happen to you?I am sure I have more then one funny thing that happened to me. I can't think now about all of them and which one was the funniest. The last one I remember was wearing my price tag on my t-shirt while I was in school.
If time and money were not an issue, where would you travel and why?I would probably go to Paris. I like the French language and I've heard it's a very beautiful city. Also, maybe Tokyo or Beijing. I like big cities and would like learn something from Asian culture.
When and if you ever have children, what would you like to pass on to them?I would like to pass on many things to my children. Some of them would be common sense, humor, kindness, respect, integrity, honesty and compassion.