Donor 2775 is a mature and good-looking man. He is always well-groomed, and he dresses handsomely. His thick brown hair nicely complements the rich brown tone of his expressive eyes as well as the natural gold of his suntanned skin.
Donor 2775 has lived the life that most people just dream of. Adventurous at heart, he has traveled to many parts of the world and experienced many different cultures. His global travels and urban upbringing have molded him into an open-minded and enlightened individual. Donor 2775 is very sociable and always engages the lab staff in conversation. We never know what subject he'll bring up next! Donor 2775 is a devoted father who very much wants his daughters to experience, as he has, the richness of our world.
To learn more about this donor's personality, see his Personality Test results.
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